Integrazione del problema dell'elastostatica nel caso asimmetrico e con coppie di contatto. Applicazione al problema delle piastre
We consider a holonomic and dissipative system having n degrees of freedom, subjected to elastic and time dependent forces. Some authors have determined sufficient conditions in order that the equilibrium configuration may be really stable. By means of a different procedure we give sufficient conditions for stability in a much more general case of time dependent forces.
In according to a recent thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the growth of acceleration waves in a non viscous fluid. We determine the solutions for the growth of a plane or spherical wave advancing into the fluid in mechanical but not in thermal equilibrium.
In according to a recent thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli we consider the growth of acceleration waves in a non viscous fluid. We determine the solutions for the growth of a plane or spherical wave advancing into the fluid in mechanical but not in thermal equilibrium.
According to a thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the problem of determining the solutions for the growth of acceleration waves in an elastic body. At first we determine a property of the velocities of waves propagation and we determine some limitations for the free energy; then we resolve the above mentioned problem for the «small» waves working on the iperacceleration waves.
According to a thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the problem of determining the solutions for the growth of acceleration waves in an elastic body. At first we determine a property of the velocities of waves propagation and we determine some limitations for the free energy; then we resolve the above mentioned problem for the «small» waves working on the iperacceleration waves.
For a Cosserat continuous system with free rotations we determinate polynomial developments of the stress (stress and couples). We shall be able to considerthem as polynomial approximations of the stress since we demonstrate that whatever may be the number of the terms that we regard, they satisfy conditions of integrability of the type of the De Saint-Venant classical ones.
According to a thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the problem of determining the solutions for the growth of acceleration waves in an elastic body. At first we determine a property of the velocities of waves propagation and we determine some limitations for the free energy; then we resolve the above mentioned problem for the «small» waves working on the iperacceleration waves.
In according to a recent thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the growth of acceleration waves in a non viscous fluid. We determine the solutions for the growth of a plane or spherical wave advancing into the fluid in mechanical but not in thermal equilibrium.
In according to a recent thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli we consider the growth of acceleration waves in a non viscous fluid. We determine the solutions for the growth of a plane or spherical wave advancing into the fluid in mechanical but not in thermal equilibrium.
According to a thermodynamic theory proposed by G. Grioli, we consider the problem of determining the solutions for the growth of acceleration waves in an elastic body. At first we determine a property of the velocities of waves propagation and we determine some limitations for the free energy; then we resolve the above mentioned problem for the «small» waves working on the iperacceleration waves.
Changes in Fourier’s equation on heat propagation have been proposed by C. Cattaneo and G. Grioli. In this work we generalize these modifications and propose a theory on the propagation of thermomechanical waves, by means of which the paradox of the infinite propagation velocity is avoided. We consider only isentropic deformations of the continuum (as this seems to agree with experimental results) and use the theory of iterated discontinuities. The law of propagation of the thermomechanical waves...
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