Let G be a metrizable, compact abelian group and let Λ be a subset of its dual group Ĝ. We show that has the almost Daugavet property if and only if Λ is an infinite set, and that has the almost Daugavet property if and only if Λ is not a Λ(1) set.
Let G be an infinite, compact abelian group and let Λ be a subset of its dual group Γ. We study the question which spaces of the form or and which quotients of the form or have the Daugavet property.
We show that is a rich subspace of C(G) if and only if is a semi-Riesz set. If is a rich subspace of L¹(G), then is a rich subspace of C(G) as well. Concerning quotients, we prove that has the Daugavet property if Λ is a Rosenthal set, and that is a poor subspace of L¹(G) if Λ is...
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