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The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
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The workshop’s objectives were to formulate the strategy and goals of a global mathematical digital library and to summarize the current successes and failures of ongoing technologies and related projects. There is already some experience with building smaller DMLs and/or building big thematical scientific digital libraries. Why there are already big fulltext digital library in some domains like PubMed in biomedical one, but none in others? We try to pose such and other questions, and try to find...
The DML workshop’s objectives were to formulate the strategy and goals of a global mathematical digital library and to summarize the current successes and failures of ongoing technologies and related projects. There is already experience with building regional DMLs or building big thematic scientific digital libraries. EuDML project reached it halflife period. While there are already big fulltext digital libraries in some domains like PubMed Central in the biomedical domain, Inspire in high-energy...
Experience in setting up a workflow from scanned images of mathematical papers into a fully fledged mathematical library is described on the example of the project Czech Digital Mathematics Library DML-CZ. An overview of the whole process is given, with description of all main production steps. DML-CZ has recently been launched to public with more than 100,000 digitized pages.
This paper describes several innovative PDF document enhancements and tools that can be used when building a digital library. The main result presented in this paper is the PDF re-compression tool, developed using the jbig2enc encoder called pdfJbIm. This re-compression tool enables the size of the original bitonal PDFs to be, on average, downsized by one third. Some modifications to the jbig2enc encoder that increase the compression ratio even further are also described here. Together with another...
The quality of digital mathematical library depends on the formats and quality of data it offers. We show several enhancements of (meta)data of the Czech Digital Mathematics Library DML-CZ. We discuss possible minimalist modification of regular LaTeX documents that would simplify generating basic metadata that describes the article in an XML/MathML format. We also show a proof of concept of a method that enables us to include LaTeX source code of mathematical expressions into pdfTeX-generated PDFs...
Vykročte vpřed, zapojte se do aktivit CSTUGu a zajistěte světlé zítřky TeXu & přátelům! Dokážete to!
Go forth and participate in CSTUG to make the bright future of TeX & Friends a reality! You can!
Vykročte vpřed, zapojte se do aktivit CSTUGu a zajistěte světlé zítřky TeXu & přátelům! Dokážete to!
Editorial discusses CSTUG's past three years, possible future direction of the group, membership issues and shaping the organization in the Internet era, together with changes related to the publishing of Zpravodaj CSTUG. The recent visit of the Grand Wizard is also reported with insight. Go forth and participate in CSTUG to make the bright future of TeX & Friends a reality! You can!
Editorial discusses CSTUG's new publishing policy and comments on this issue's articles. Go forth and participate in CSTUG to make the bright future of TeX & Friends a reality! You can!
Editorial discusses CSTUG's past and future, membership issues and shaping the organization in the Internet era, together with changes related to the publishing of Zpravodaj CSTUG. Go forth and participate in CSTUG to make the bright future of TEX & Friends a reality! You can!
In addition to the introduction of the content of the Zpravodaj issue, the author refers about the changes of CSTUG bylaws, about the digitization project of Zpravodaj, and about the former CSTUG president Karel Horák.
Dělení slov neboli algoritmická segmentace velké množiny řetězců nějakého jazyka je problém častější než by se na první pohled zdálo. Pro volně šiřitelné slovenské dělení slov zatím existuje pouze řešení vycházející z definice slabiky ve slovenštině, bez rozsáhlého pokrytí výjimek. Z více než miliónu shromážděných a rozdělených slov se podařilo vygenerovat programem PatGen nové volně šiřitelné vzory, které se s nepravidelnostmi jazyka vyrovnávají lépe než dosud dostupné řešení. Výsledek je použitelný...
Editorial introduces the content of the Zpravodaj issue, and the author makes his reminiscence comments from personal communication with about Don's trips The recent visit of the Grand Wizard in Brno is also reported with insight. Go forth and participate in CSTUG to make the bright future of TeX & Friends a reality! You can!
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