L'Hospital - Bernoulli's controversy. Solaeche Galera, María Cristina — 1993 Divulgaciones Matemáticas
The L. Kronecker-G. Cantor's controversy about infinite. Solaeche Galera, María Cristina — 1995 Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Binomial coefficients' tabulation system or Pascal's triangle: A numerical model rips the loom of time. Solaeche Galera, María Cristina — 1998 Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Lady Ada Byron and the first program for computers. Solaeche Galera, María Cristina — 1994 Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Omar Khayyam: Mathematics, the nothing, wine, the potter's wheel and the beloved one. Solaeche Galera, María Cristina — 2002 Divulgaciones Matemáticas