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M-solid generalized non-deterministic varieties

Somsak Lekkoksung — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications

A generalized non-deterministic hypersubstitution is a mapping which maps operation symbols of type τ to the set of terms of the same type which does not necessarily preserve the arity. We apply the generalized non-deterministic hypersubstitution to an algebra of type τ and obtain a class of derived algebras of type τ. The generalized non-deterministic hypersubstitutions can be also applied to sets of equations of type τ. We obtain two closure operators which turn out to be a conjugate pair of completely...

Hyperidentities in many-sorted algebras

Klaus DeneckeSomsak Lekkoksung — 2009

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The theory of hyperidentities generalizes the equational theory of universal algebras and is applicable in several fields of science, especially in computers sciences (see e.g. [2,1]). The main tool to study hyperidentities is the concept of a hypersubstitution. Hypersubstitutions of many-sorted algebras were studied in [3]. On the basis of hypersubstitutions one defines a pair of closure operators which turns out to be a conjugate pair. The theory of conjugate pairs of additive closure operators...

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