Fibrewise exponential laws in a quasitopos
We study the question: How often do partial sums of power series of functions coalesce with convergents of the (simple) continued fractions of the functions? Our theorems quantitatively demonstrate that the answer is: not very often. We conjecture that in most cases there are only a finite number of partial sums coinciding with convergents. In many of these cases, we offer exact numbers in our conjectures.
We study the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for numerical radius (for short, BPBp-nu) of operators on ℓ₁-sums and -sums of Banach spaces. More precisely, we introduce a property of Banach spaces, which we call strongly lush. We find that if X is strongly lush and X ⊕₁ Y has the weak BPBp-nu, then (X,Y) has the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property (BPBp). On the other hand, if Y is strongly lush and has the weak BPBp-nu, then (X,Y) has the BPBp. Examples of strongly lush spaces are C(K) spaces, L₁(μ)...
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