On Sohwartz Spaces.
In a previous work (1990) we introduced a certain property (y) on locally convex spaces and used it to remove the assumption of separability from the theorem of Bellenot and Dubinsky on the existence of nuclear Köthe quotients of Fréchet spaces. Our purpose is to examine condition (y) further and relate it to some other normability conditions. Some of our results were already announced in Önal (1989).
The main result is that the existence of an unbounded continuous linear operator T between Köthe spaces λ(A) and λ(C) which factors through a third Köthe space λ(B) causes the existence of an unbounded continuous quasidiagonal operator from λ(A) into λ(C) factoring through λ(B) as a product of two continuous quasidiagonal operators. This fact is a factorized analogue of the Dragilev theorem [3, 6, 7, 2] about the quasidiagonal characterization of the relation (λ(A),λ(B)) ∈ ℬ (which means that all...
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