A Criterion for the Neumann Type Problem over a Differential Complex on a Strongly Pseudo Convex Domain. Takao Akahori — 1983 Mathematische Annalen
On the Kuranishi family of deformations of complex structures over a tubular neighborhood of a strongly pseudo convex boundary with complex dimension 3. Takao Akahori — 1992 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Complex analytic construction of the Kuranishi Family on a normal strongly pseudo convex manifold with real dimension 5. Takao Akahori — 1989 Manuscripta mathematica
The New Estimate for the Subbundles Ej and Its Application to the Deformation of the Boundaries of Strongly Pseudo Convex Domains. Takao Akahori — 1981 Inventiones mathematicae
The New Neumann Operator Associated with Deformations of Strongly Pseudo Convex Domains and Its Application to Deformation Theory. Takao Akahori — 1982 Inventiones mathematicae
An analogy of Tian-Todorov theorem on deformations of CR-structures Takao Akahori; Kimio Miyajima — 1993 Compositio Mathematica