A -sigraph is an ordered pair where is a -graph and is a function which assigns to each edge of a positive or a negative sign. Let the sets and consist of positive and negative edges of , respectively, where . Given positive integers and , is said to be -graceful if the vertices of can be labeled with distinct integers from the set such that when each edge of is assigned the product of its sign and the absolute difference of the integers assigned to and the...
In our earlier paper [9], generalizing the well known notion of graceful graphs, a -signed graph of order , with positive edges and negative edges, is called graceful if there exists an injective function that assigns to its vertices integers such that when to each edge of one assigns the absolute difference the set of integers received by the positive edges of is and the set of integers received by the negative edges of is . Considering the conjecture therein that all...
Let G be a graph of order n and let S be a set of positive integers with |S| = n. Then G is said to be S-magic if there exists a bijection ϕ : V (G) → S satisfying ∑x∈N(u) ϕ(x) = k (a constant) for every u ∈ V (G). Let α(S) = max{s : s ∈ S}. Let i(G) = min α(S), where the minimum is taken over all sets S for which the graph G admits an S-magic labeling. Then i(G) − n is called the distance magic index of the graph G. In this paper we determine the distance magic index of trees and complete bipartite...
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