We investigate the existence, uniqueness and polynomial stability of the weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions to a class of linear and semilinear parabolic evolution equations. The necessary tools here are interpolation spaces and interpolation theorems which help to prove the boundedness of solution operators in appropriate spaces for linear equations. Then for the semilinear equations the fixed point arguments are used to obtain the existence and stability of the weighted pseudo almost...
We prove the existence and conditional stability of periodic solutions to semilinear evolution equations of the form u̇ = A(t)u + g(t,u(t)), where the operator-valued function t ↦ A(t) is 1-periodic, and the operator g(t,x) is 1-periodic with respect to t for each fixed x and satisfies the φ-Lipschitz condition ||g(t,x₁) - g(t,x₂)|| ≤ φ(t)||x₁-x₂|| for φ(t) being a real and positive function which belongs to an admissible function space. We then apply the results to study the existence, uniqueness...
We prove the existence of integral (stable, unstable, center) manifolds of admissible classes for the solutions to the semilinear integral equation when the evolution family has an exponential trichotomy on a half-line or on the whole line, and the nonlinear forcing term f satisfies the (local or global) φ-Lipschitz conditions, i.e., ||f(t,x)-f(t,y)|| ≤ φ(t)||x-y|| where φ(t) belongs to some classes of admissible function spaces. These manifolds are formed by trajectories of the solutions belonging...
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