A number of extensions of Ant System, the first ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm, were proposed in the literature. These extensions typically achieve much improved computational results when compared to the original Ant System. However, many design choices of Ant System are left untouched including the fact that solutions are constructed, that real-numbers are used to simulate pheromone trails, and that explicit pheromone evaporation is used. In this article we experimentally investigate...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a recent metaheuristic method that is inspired by the behavior of real ant colonies. In this paper, we review the underlying ideas of this approach that lead from the biological inspiration to the ACO metaheuristic, which gives a set of rules of how to apply ACO algorithms to challenging combinatorial problems. We present some of the algorithms that were developed under this framework, give an overview of current applications, and analyze the relationship between...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic that is inspired by the shortest path searching behavior of various ant species [1,2]. The initial work of Dorigo, Maniezzo and Colorni [3,4] who proposed the first ACO algorithm called Ant System, has stimulated a still strongly increasing number of researchers to develop more sophisticated and better performing ACO algorithms that are used to successfully solve a large number of hard combinatorial optimization problems such as the traveling salesman...
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