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Characterization of Line-Consistent Signed Graphs

Daniel C. SlilatyThomas Zaslavsky — 2015

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The line graph of a graph with signed edges carries vertex signs. A vertex-signed graph is consistent if every circle (cycle, circuit) has positive vertex-sign product. Acharya, Acharya, and Sinha recently characterized line-consistent signed graphs, i.e., edge-signed graphs whose line graphs, with the naturally induced vertex signature, are consistent. Their proof applies Hoede’s relatively difficult characterization of consistent vertex-signed graphs. We give a simple proof that does not depend...

Transitive closure and transitive reduction in bidirected graphs

Ouahiba BessoufAbdelkader KhelladiThomas Zaslavsky — 2019

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In a bidirected graph, an edge has a direction at each end, so bidirected graphs generalize directed graphs. We generalize the definitions of transitive closure and transitive reduction from directed graphs to bidirected graphs by introducing new notions of bipath and bicircuit that generalize directed paths and cycles. We show how transitive reduction is related to transitive closure and to the matroids of the signed graph corresponding to the bidirected graph.

The Dynamics of the Forest Graph Operator

Suresh DaraS.M. HegdeVenkateshwarlu DevaS.B. RaoThomas Zaslavsky — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In 1966, Cummins introduced the “tree graph”: the tree graph T(G) of a graph G (possibly infinite) has all its spanning trees as vertices, and distinct such trees correspond to adjacent vertices if they differ in just one edge, i.e., two spanning trees T1 and T2 are adjacent if T2 = T1 − e + f for some edges e ∈ T1 and f ∉ T1. The tree graph of a connected graph need not be connected. To obviate this difficulty we define the “forest graph”: let G be a labeled graph of order α, finite or infinite,...

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