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Discrete n-tuples in Hausdorff spaces

Timothy J. CarlsonNeil HindmanDona Strauss — 2005

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the following three questions: Let n ∈ ℕ. For which Hausdorff spaces X is it true that whenever Γ is an arbitrary (respectively finite-to-one, respectively injective) function from ℕⁿ to X, there must exist an infinite subset M of ℕ such that Γ[Mⁿ] is discrete? Of course, if n = 1 the answer to all three questions is "all of them". For n ≥ 2 the answers to the second and third questions are the same; in the case n = 2 that answer is "those for which there are only finitely many points...

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