We show that, if a a finite-dimensional operator space E is such that X contains E C-completely isomorphically whenever X** contains E completely isometrically, then E is -completely isomorphic to Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ for some n, m ∈ ℕ ∪ 0. The converse is also true: if X** contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ λ-completely isomorphically, then X contains Rₘ ⊕ Cₙ (2λ + ε)-completely isomorphically for any ε > 0.
We consider majorization problems in the non-commutative setting. More specifically, suppose E and F are ordered normed spaces (not necessarily lattices), and 0 ≤ T ≤ S in B(E,F). If S belongs to a certain ideal (for instance, the ideal of compact or Dunford-Pettis operators), does it follow that T belongs to that ideal as well? We concentrate on the case when E and F are C*-algebras, preduals of von Neumann algebras, or non-commutative function spaces. In particular, we show that, for C*-algebras...
Using isometric embedding of metric trees into Banach spaces, this paper will investigate barycenters, type and cotype, and various measures of compactness of metric trees. A metric tree (T, d) is a metric space such that between any two of its points there is a unique arc that is isometric to an interval in ℝ. We begin our investigation by examining isometric embeddings of metric trees into Banach spaces. We then investigate the possible images x₀ = π((x₁ + ... + xₙ)/n), where π is a contractive...
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