A GAP package for braid orbit computation and applications. Magaard, Kay; Shpectorov, Sergey; Völklein, Helmut — 2003 Experimental Mathematics
Braid group action, embedding problems and the groups PGLn(q), Pun(q2). Helmut Völklein — 1994 Forum mathematicum
The 1-Cohomology of the Adjoint Module of a Chevalley Group. Helmut Völklein — 1989 Forum mathematicum
On the lattice automorphisms of S L ( n , q ) and P S L ( n , q ) Helmut Völklein — 1986 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
The inverse Galois problem and rational points on moduli spaces. Michael D. Fried; Helmut Völklein — 1991 Mathematische Annalen