Corrections to "Leray-Schauder theory without local convexity" . V. KLEE — 1962 Mathematische Annalen
A Class of Linear Programming Problems Requiring a Large Number of Iterations. V. KLEE — 1965 Numerische Mathematik
Topological structure of infinite-dimensional linear spaces: the classification problem V. Klee — 1963 Studia Mathematica
Every Non-normable Frechet Space is Homeomorphic with all of its Closed Convex Bodies. V. KLEE; C. BESSAGA — 1966 Mathematische Annalen
Geometry of the Gass-Saaty Parametric Cost LP Algorithm. V. Klee; P. Kleinschmidt — 1990 Discrete & computational geometry
Inner and Outer j-Radii of Convex Bodies in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces. V. Klee; P. Gritzmann — 1992 Discrete & computational geometry
Some Semicontinuity Theorems for Convex Polytopes and Cell-complexes. V. Klee; H.G., Grünbaum, B. Eggleston Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
Largest j-Simplices in n-Polytopes. V. Klee; P. Gritzmann; D. Larman — 1995 Discrete & computational geometry
Linear Algorithms for Testing the Sign Stability of a Matrix and for Finding Z-Maximum Matchings in Acyclic Graphs. V. Klee; P. van den Driessche — 1977 Numerische Mathematik
Exotic topologies for linear spaces Klee, V. — 1962 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra