An application of Kronecker' s theorem to rational functions.
Applying results of the infinitary Ramsey theory, namely the dichotomy principle of Galvin-Prikry, we show that for every sequence of scalars, there exists a subsequence such that either every subsequence of defines a universal series, or no subsequence of defines a universal series. In particular examples we decide which of the two cases holds.
We characterize the power series with the geometric property that, for sufficiently many points , , a circle contains infinitely many partial sums. We show that is a rational function of special type; more precisely, there are and , such that, the sequence , , is periodic. This result answers in the affirmative a question of J.-P. Kahane and furnishes stronger versions of the main results of [Katsoprinakis, Arkiv for Matematik]. We are led to consider special families of circles with...
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