Modificando adecuadamente el método de un trabajo olvidado [1], probamos que si una aplicación continua, de un subconjunto abierto no vacío U de un espacio vectorial topológico metrizable separable y de Baire E, en un espacio localmente convexo, es direccionalmente diferenciable por la derecha en U según un subconjunto comagro de E, entonces, es genéricamente Gâteaux diferenciable en U. Nuestro resultado implica que cualquier espacio vectorial topológico, metrizable, separable y de Baire, es débilmente...
The present paper is a contribution to fill in a gap existing between the theory of topological vector spaces and that of topological abelian groups. Topological vector spaces have been extensively studied as part of Functional Analysis. It is natural to expect that some important and elegant theorems about topological vector spaces may have analogous versions for abelian topological groups. The main obstruction to get such versions is probably the lack of the notion of convexity in the framework...
We introduce a notion of a Schwartz group, which turns out to be coherent with the well known concept of a Schwartz topological vector space. We establish several basic properties of Schwartz groups and show that free topological Abelian groups, as well as free locally convex spaces, over hemicompact k-spaces are Schwartz groups. We also prove that every hemicompact k-space topological group, in particular the Pontryagin dual of a metrizable topological group, is a Schwartz group.
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