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The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
The search session has expired. Please query the service again.
We introduce and investigate inductive dimensions 𝒦 -Ind and ℒ-Ind for classes 𝒦 of finite simplicial complexes and classes ℒ of ANR-compacta (if 𝒦 consists of the 0-sphere only, then the 𝒦 -Ind dimension is identical with the classical large inductive dimension Ind). We compare K-Ind to K-Ind introduced by the author [Mat. Vesnik 61 (2009)]. In particular, for every complex K such that K * K is non-contractible, we construct a compact Hausdorff space X with K-Ind X not equal to K-dim X.
By the Suslinian number Sln(X) of a continuum X we understand the smallest cardinal number κ such that X contains no disjoint family ℂ of non-degenerate subcontinua of size |ℂ| > κ. For a compact space X, Sln(X) is the smallest Suslinian number of a continuum which contains a homeomorphic copy of X. Our principal result asserts that each compact space X has weight ≤ Sln(X)⁺ and is the limit of an inverse well-ordered spectrum of length ≤ Sln(X)⁺, consisting of compacta with weight ≤ Sln(X) and...
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