2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 46B20. Secondary: 46H99, 47A12.
We estimate the (midpoint) modulus of convexity at the unit 1 of a Banach algebra A
showing that inf {max±||1 ± x|| − 1 : x ∈ A, ||x||=ε} ≥ (π/4e)ε²+o(ε²) as ε → 0.
We also give a characterization of two-dimensional subspaces of Banach algebras
containing the identity in terms of polynomial inequalities.
Let be the cone of real univariate polynomials of degree ≤ 2n which are nonnegative on the real axis and have nonnegative coefficients. We describe the extremal rays of this convex cone and the class of linear operators, acting diagonally in the standard monomial basis, preserving this cone.
The principal goal of this paper is to show that the various sufficient conditions for a real entire function, φ(x), to belong to the Laguerre-Pólya class (Definition 1.1), expressed in terms of Laguerre-type inequalities, do not require the a priori assumptions about the order and type of φ(x). The proof of the main theorem (Theorem 2.3) involving the generalized real Laguerre inequalities, is based on a beautiful geometric result, the Borel-Carathédodory Inequality (Theorem 2.1), and on a deep...
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