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O jednom vzorci z operátorového počtu

Václav Vodička — 1967

Aplikace matematiky

This paper originates in the author’s investigations on thermal and mechanical processes in semi-infinite continua. It presents a contribution to the theory of the Laplace transformation by deriving the original functions to the transforms e - a ( p + b 2 ) p ( p + b 2 ) , a 0 , b 0 , e - a ( p 2 + b 2 ) p 2 ( p 2 + b 2 ) , a > 0 , b 0 . The significance and, may be, originality of the paper lies in that it is not easy to find reliable results in the existing literature, secondly in that the procedure works quickly and can be extended to deriving other useful operational formulae and finally...

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