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On a Model of Leukemia Development with a Spatial Cell Distribution

A. DucrotV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we propose a mathematical model to describe the evolution of leukemia in the bone marrow. The model is based on a reaction-diffusion system of equations in a porous medium. We show the existence of two stationary solutions, one of them corresponds to the normal case and another one to the pathological case. The leukemic state appears as a result of a bifurcation when the normal state loses its stability. The critical conditions of leukemia development are determined by the proliferation...

Existence of Waves for a Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Equation

I. DeminV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this work we study a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation arising in population dynamics. The integral term in the nonlinearity describes nonlocal stimulation of reproduction. We prove existence of travelling wave solutions by the Leray-Schauder method using topological degree for Fredholm and proper operators and special a priori estimates of solutions in weighted Hölder spaces.

Travelling Waves in Partially Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Systems

B. KazmierczakV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the existence and some properties of travelling waves in partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems. Such systems may for example describe intracellular calcium dynamics in the presence of immobile buffers. In order to prove the wave existence, we first consider the non degenerate case and then pass to the limit as some of the diffusion coefficient converge to zero. The passage to the limit is based on a priori estimates of solutions independent of the values of the diffusion coefficients....

Competition of Species with Intra-Specific Competition

N. ApreuteseiA. DucrotV. Volpert — 2008

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Intra-specific competition in population dynamics can be described by integro-differential equations where the integral term corresponds to nonlocal consumption of resources by individuals of the same population. Already the single integro-differential equation can show the emergence of nonhomogeneous in space stationary structures and can be used to model the process of speciation, in particular, the emergence of biological species during evolution [S. Genieys et al., Math. Model. Nat. Phenom....

Modelling of Plant Growth with Apical or Basal Meristem

N. BessonovF. CrausteV. Volpert — 2011

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Plant growth occurs due to cell proliferation in the meristem. We model the case of apical meristem specific for branch growth and the case of basal meristem specific for bulbous plants and grass. In the case of apical growth, our model allows us to describe the variety of plant forms and lifetimes, endogenous rhythms and apical domination. In the case of basal growth, the spatial structure, which corresponds to the appearance of leaves, results...

Pattern and Waves for a Model in Population Dynamics with Nonlocal Consumption of Resources

S. GenieysV. VolpertP. Auger — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study a reaction-diffusion equation with an integral term describing nonlocal consumption of resources in population dynamics. We show that a homogeneous equilibrium can lose its stability resulting in appearance of stationary spatial structures. They can be related to the emergence of biological species due to the intra-specific competition and random mutations. Various types of travelling waves are observed.

Marangoni Convection in a Photo-Chemically Reacting Liquid

A. A. GolovinV. A. Volpert — 2008

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Marangoni convection caused by a photochemical reaction of the type A h ν B in a deep liquid layer is studied. Linear stability analysis is performed and the conditions for Marangoni convection to occur are obtained. It is shown that increasing the rate of the direct reaction, for example, by increasing the light intensity, destabilizes the steady state and causes convective motion of the fluid, whereas increasing the rate of the inverse reaction stabilizes the steady state. A weakly nonlinear analysis...

Solvability conditions for elliptic problems with non-Fredholm operators

V. VolpertB. KaźmierczakM. MassotZ. Peradzyński — 2002

Applicationes Mathematicae

The paper is devoted to solvability conditions for linear elliptic problems with non-Fredholm operators. We show that the operator becomes normally solvable with a finite-dimensional kernel on properly chosen subspaces. In the particular case of a scalar equation we obtain necessary and sufficient solvability conditions. These results are used to apply the implicit function theorem for a nonlinear elliptic problem; we demonstrate the persistence of travelling wave solutions to spatially periodic...

Particle Dynamics Methods of Blood Flow Simulations

A. TosenbergerV. SalnikovN. BessonovE. BabushkinaV. Volpert — 2011

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Various particle methods are widely used to model dynamics of complex media. In this work molecular dynamics and dissipative particles dynamics are applied to model blood flows composed of plasma and erythrocytes. The properties of the homogeneous particle fluid are studied. Capillary flows with erythrocytes are investigated.

Dynamics of Erythroid Progenitors and Erythroleukemia

N. BessonovF. CrausteI. DeminV. Volpert — 2009

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper is devoted to mathematical modelling of erythropoiesis, production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. We discuss intra-cellular regulatory networks which determine self-renewal and differentiation of erythroid progenitors. In the case of excessive self-renewal, immature cells can fill the bone marrow resulting in the development of leukemia. We introduce a parameter characterizing the strength of mutation. Depending on its value, leukemia will or will not develop. The simplest...

Particle Dynamics Modelling of Cell Populations

N. BessonovP. KurbatovaV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Evolution of cell populations can be described with dissipative particle dynamics, where each cell moves according to the balance of forces acting on it, or with partial differential equations, where cell population is considered as a continuous medium. We compare these two approaches for some model examples

Cell Modelling of Hematopoiesis

N. BessonovL. Pujo-MenjouetV. Volpert — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this work, we introduce a new software created to study hematopoiesis at the cell population level with the individually based approach. It can be used as an interface between theoretical works on population dynamics and experimental observations. We show that this software can be useful to study some features of normal hematopoiesis as well as some blood diseases such as myelogenous leukemia. It is also possible to simulate cell communication and the formation of cell colonies in the bone marrow. ...

Instabilities of Diffuse Interfaces

N. BessonovJ. PojmanG. VinerV. VolpertB. Zoltowski — 2008

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Composition gradients in miscible liquids can create volume forces resulting in various interfacial phenomena. Experimental observations of these phenomena are related to some difficulties because they are transient, sufficiently weak and can be hidden by gravity driven flows. As a consequence, the question about their existence and about adequate mathematical models is not yet completely elucidated. In this work we present some experimental evidences of interfacial phenomena in miscible liquids...

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