Inverse limits of smooth continua
We construct examples of mappings and between locally connected continua such that and are near-homeomorphisms while is not, and is a near-homeomorphism, while and are not. Similar examples for refinable mappings are constructed.
A Mazurkiewicz set is a subset of a plane with the property that each straight line intersects in exactly two points. We modify the original construction to obtain a Mazurkiewicz set which does not contain vertices of an equilateral triangle or a square. This answers some questions by L.D. Loveland and S.M. Loveland. We also use similar methods to construct a bounded noncompact, nonconnected generalized Mazurkiewicz set.
Sufficient as well as necessary conditions are studied for a dendrite or a dendroid to be homogeneous with respect to monotone mappings. The obtained results extend ones due to H. Kato and the first named author. A number of open problems are asked.
Interrelations between smoothness of a continuum at a point, pointwise smoothness, the property of Kelley at a point and local connectedness are studied in the paper.
We investigate absolute retracts for hereditarily unicoherent continua, and also the continua that have the arc property of Kelley (i.e., the continua that satisfy both the property of Kelley and the arc approximation property). Among other results we prove that each absolute retract for hereditarily unicoherent continua (for tree-like continua, for λ-dendroids, for dendroids) has the arc property of Kelley.
We show that there exists a C*-smooth continuum X such that for every continuum Y the induced map C(f) is not open, where f: X × Y → X is the projection. This answers a question of Charatonik (2000).
AbstractWe study retractions from the hyperspace of all nonempty closed subsets of a given continuum onto the continuum (which is naturally embedded in the hyperspace). Some necessary and some sufficient conditions for the existence of such a retraction are found if the continuum is a curve. It is shown that the existence of such a retraction for a curve implies that the curve is a uniformly arcwise connected dendroid, and that a universal smooth dendroid admits such a retraction. The existence...
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