Approximation in Lie transformation groups by superposition of one-parameter subgroups. (Approximation in Lieschen Transformationsgruppen durch Überlagerung von einparametrigen Untergruppen.) Wallner, Johannes — 1995 Mathematica Pannonica
Ivory's theorem in hyperbolic spaces. Stachel, Hellmuth; Wallner, Johannes — 2004 Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Asymptotic analysis of implicit tolerance problems. Yang, Qinmin; Wallner, Johannes — 2005 Mathematica Pannonica
Equiform kinematics and the geometry of line elements. Odehnal, Boris; Pottmann, Helmut; Wallner, Johannes — 2006 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Galilei Laguerre geometry and rational circular offset surfaces. Wallner, Johannes; Chen, Horng-Yang; Pottmann, Helmut — 1998 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie