The Laplacian spread of tricyclic graphs.
Let G = (V (G),E(G)) be a simple strongly connected digraph and q(G) be the signless Laplacian spectral radius of G. For any vertex vi ∈ V (G), let d+i denote the outdegree of vi, m+i denote the average 2-outdegree of vi, and N+i denote the set of out-neighbors of vi. In this paper, we prove that: (1) (1) q(G) = d+1 +d+2 , (d+1 ≠ d+2) if and only if G is a star digraph [...] ,where d+1, d+2 are the maximum and the second maximum outdegree, respectively [...] is the digraph on n vertices obtained...
A graph is called -free if contains no induced subgraph isomorphic to any graph , . We define In this paper, we prove that (1) if is a connected -free graph of order and , then is traceable, (2) if is a 2-connected -free graph of order and for any two distinct pairs of non-adjacent vertices , of , then is traceable, i.e., has a Hamilton path, where is a graph obtained by joining a pair of non-adjacent vertices in a .
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