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Modelling tumour-immunity interactions with different stimulation functions

Petar ZhivkovJacek Waniewski — 2003

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Tumour immunotherapy is aimed at the stimulation of the otherwise inactive immune system to remove, or at least to restrict, the growth of the original tumour and its metastases. The tumour-immune system interactions involve the stimulation of the immune response by tumour antigens, but also the tumour induced death of lymphocytes. A system of two non-linear ordinary differential equations was used to describe the dynamic process of interaction between the immune system and the tumour. Three different...

Dynamic stability and spatial heterogeneityin the individualbased modelling of a lotkavolterra gas

Jacek WaniewskiWojciech JędruchNorbert Żołek — 2004

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Computer simulation of a few thousands of particles moving (approximately) according to the energy and momentum conservation laws on a tessellation of squares in discrete time steps and interacting according to the predator-prey scheme is analyzed. The population dynamics are described by the basic Lotka-Volterra interactions (multiplication of preys, predation and multiplication of predators, death of predators), but the spatial effects result in differences between the system evolution and the...

A mathematical model for fluid-glucose-albumin transport in peritoneal dialysis

Roman ChernihaJoanna Stachowska-PiętkaJacek Waniewski — 2014

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A mathematical model for fluid and solute transport in peritoneal dialysis is constructed. The model is based on a threecomponent nonlinear system of two-dimensional partial differential equations for fluid, glucose and albumin transport with the relevant boundary and initial conditions. Our aim is to model ultrafiltration of water combined with inflow of glucose to the tissue and removal of albumin from the body during dialysis, by finding the spatial distributions of glucose and albumin concentrations...

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