An adaptive continuation process for solving systems of nonlinear equations Werner Rheinboldt — 1978 Banach Center Publications
On a General Estimation Principle and a Theory of Comparison Factors. Werner C. Rheinboldt — 1966 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the Computation of Multi-Dimensional Solution Manifolds of Parametrized Equations. Werner C. Rheinboldt — 1988 Numerische Mathematik
On a Computational Method for the Second Fundamental Tensor and its Application to Bifurcation Problems. Werner C. Rheinboldt; P.J. Rabier — 1990 Numerische Mathematik
Solution Manifolds and Submanifolds of Parametrized Equations and Their Discretization Errors. Werner C. Rheinboldt; James P. Fink — 1984 Numerische Mathematik