Some generalizations of the concept of ordered fuzzy numbers (OFN) are defined to handle fuzzy inputs in a quantitative way, exactly as real numbers are handled. Additional two structures, an algebraic one and a normed (topological) one, are introduced to allow for counting with a more general type of membership relations.
Dnia 15 maja 2009 roku zmarła przedwcześnie w Warszawie, po przegranej walce z nieuleczalną chorobą, dr Izabella Czochralska – Sekretarz Komitetu Redakcyjnego naszego pisma, mocno zaangażowana w działalność na rzecz Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Była wieloletnim członkiem Zarządu Oddziału Warszawskiego PTM i Komisji Rewizyjnej, a także delegatem na liczne Zjazdy Towarzystwa. W roku 2000 była główną organizatorką Zjazdu PTM w Warszawie. Od 2007 r. pełniła funkcję Sekretarza Komitetu Redakcyjnego...
An algebra of ordered fuzzy numbers (OFN) is defined. It enables handling fuzzy inputs in a quantitative way, exactly in the same way as for real numbers. Two additional structures, algebraic and normed (topological), are introduced, which make it possible to define a general form of defuzzyfication operators if fuzzy rules are used in a decision process. A useful implementation of a fuzzy calculator is given which allows counting with OFNs of general type membership relations.
The aim of the artile is presenting the current state of ordered fuzzy numbers development. New model of fuzzy number was invented in 2002 to overcome drawbacks of classical (convex) fuzzy numbers. Two problems of management accounting are considered. The first relates to the management of supply and determining the optimal size of a delivery from outside, which minimalize total costs, when unit costs of delivery and storage are fuzzy. The second problem is related to determination of Internal Rate...
Markovian operators, non-negative linear operators and its subgroups play a significant role for the description of phenomena observed in the nature. Research on asymptotic stability is one of the main issues in this respect. A. Lasota and J. A. Yorke proved in 1982 that the necessary and sufficient condition of the asymptotic stability of a Markovian operator is the existence of a non-trivial lower-bound function. In the present paper it is shown how the method of lower-bound function can be applied...
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