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L J -spaces

Yin-Zhu Gao — 2007

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper L J -spaces are introduced and studied. They are a common generalization of Lindelöf spaces and J -spaces researched by E. Michael. A space X is called an L J -space if, whenever { A , B } is a closed cover of X with A B compact, then A or B is Lindelöf. Semi-strong L J -spaces and strong L J -spaces are also defined and investigated. It is demonstrated that the three spaces are different and have interesting properties and behaviors.

Monotone meta-Lindelöf spaces

Yin-Zhu GaoWei-Xue Shi — 2009

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we study the monotone meta-Lindelöf property. Relationships between monotone meta-Lindelöf spaces and other spaces are investigated. Behaviors of monotone meta-Lindelöf G O -spaces in their linearly ordered extensions are revealed.

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