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On hyper-Zagreb index conditions for hamiltonicity of graphs

Yong LuQiannan Zhou — 2022

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

During the last decade, several research groups have published results on sufficient conditions for the hamiltonicity of graphs by using some topological indices. We mainly study hyper-Zagreb index and some hamiltonian properties. We give some sufficient conditions for graphs to be traceable, hamiltonian or Hamilton-connected in terms of their hyper-Zagreb indices. In addition, we also use the hyper-Zagreb index of the complement of a graph to present a sufficient condition for it to be Hamilton-connected....

A class of tight framelet packets

Da-Yong LuQi-Bin Fan — 2011

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper obtains a class of tight framelet packets on L 2 ( d ) from the extension principles and constructs the relationships between the basic framelet packets and the associated filters.

High-frequency limit of the Maxwell-Landau-Lifshitz equations in the diffractive optics regime

LU Yong — 2012

ESAIM: Proceedings

We study the Maxwell-Landau-Lifshitz system for highly oscillating initial data, with characteristic frequencies (1  ) and amplitude (1), over long time intervals (1  ), in the limit  → 0. We show that a nonlinear Schrödinger equation gives a good approximation for the envelope of the solution in the time interval under consideration. This extends previous results of Colin and Lannes [1]. This text is a short version of the article [5].

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