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Statistical estimation of the dynamics of watershed dams

Zbisław Tabor — 2009

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the present study the notion of watershed contour dynamics, defined within the framework of mathematical morphology, is examined. It is shown that the dynamics are a direct measure of the “sharpness” of transition between neighboring watershed basins. The expressions for the expected value and the statistical error of the estimation of contour dynamics are derived in the presence of noise, based on extreme value theory. The sensitivity of contour dynamics to noise is studied. A statistical approach...

Surrogate data: A novel approach to object detection

Zbisław Tabor — 2010

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the present study a novel method is introduced to detect meaningful regions of a gray-level noisy images of binary structures. The method consists in generating surrogate data for an analyzed image. A surrogate image has the same (or almost the same) power spectrum and histogram of gray-level values as the original one but is random otherwise. Then minmax paths are generated in the original image, each characterized by its length, minmax intensity and the intensity of the starting point. If the...

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