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On metric theory of Diophantine approximation for complex numbers

Zhengyu Chen — 2015

Acta Arithmetica

In 1941, R. J. Duffin and A. C. Schaeffer conjectured that for the inequality |α - m/n| < ψ(n)/n with g.c.d.(m,n) = 1, there are infinitely many solutions in positive integers m and n for almost all α ∈ ℝ if and only if n = 2 ϕ ( n ) ψ ( n ) / n = . As one of partial results, in 1978, J. D. Vaaler proved this conjecture under the additional condition ψ ( n ) = ( n - 1 ) . In this paper, we discuss the metric theory of Diophantine approximation over the imaginary quadratic field ℚ(√d) with a square-free integer d < 0, and show that a Vaaler...

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