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Solutions of non-homogeneous linear differential equations in the unit disc

Ting-Bin CaoZhong-Shu Deng — 2010

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The main purpose of this paper is to consider the analytic solutions of the non-homogeneous linear differential equation f ( k ) + a k - 1 ( z ) f ( k - 1 ) + + a ( z ) f ' + a ( z ) f = F ( z ) , where all coefficients a , a , . . . , a k - 1 , F ≢ 0 are analytic functions in the unit disc = z∈ℂ: |z|<1. We obtain some results classifying the growth of finite iterated order solutions in terms of the coefficients with finite iterated type. The convergence exponents of zeros and fixed points of solutions are also investigated.

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