Geodetic graphs of diameter two
Bohdan Zelinka (1975)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Bohdan Zelinka (1975)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Markov, Minko (2007)
Serdica Journal of Computing
This paper is part of a work in progress whose goal is to construct a fast, practical algorithm for the vertex separation (VS) of cactus graphs. We prove a theorem for cacti", a necessary and sufficient condition for the VS of a cactus graph being k. Further, we investigate the ensuing ramifications that prevent the construction of an algorithm based on that theorem only.
Boyer, John M., Myrvold, Wendy J. (2004)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Cornelsen, Sabine, Schank, Thomas, Wagner, Dorothea (2004)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Bohdan Zelinka (1973)
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
Ronald Dutton, William F. Klostermeyer (2013)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Bipartite graphs with equal edge domination number and maximum matching cardinality are characterized. These two parameters are used to develop bounds on the vertex cover and total vertex cover numbers of graphs and a resulting chain of vertex covering, edge domination, and matching parameters is explored. In addition, the total vertex cover number is compared to the total domination number of trees and grid graphs.