Displaying similar documents to “Remarks on commutative noetherian rings whose flat modules have flat injective envelopes”

The existence of envelopes

Edgar E. Enochs, Overtoun M. G. Jenda, Jinzhong Xu (1993)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova


Copure injective resolutions, flat resolvents and dimensions

Edgar E. Enochs, Jenda M. G. Overtoun (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we show the existence of copure injective preenvelopes over noetherian rings and copure flat preenvelopes over commutative artinian rings. We use this to characterize n -Gorenstein rings. As a consequence, if the full subcategory of strongly copure injective (respectively flat) modules over a left and right noetherian ring R has cokernels (respectively kernels), then R is 2 -Gorenstein.