Schauder bases and best approximation
J. R. Retherford (1970)
Colloquium Mathematicae
J. R. Retherford (1970)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Zbigniew Ciesielski (2001)
Applicationes Mathematicae
As is known, color images are represented as multiple, channels, i.e. integer-valued functions on a discrete rectangle, corresponding to pixels on the screen. Thus, image compression, can be reduced to investigating suitable properties of such, functions. Each channel is compressed independently. We are, representing each such function by means of multi-dimensional, Haar and diamond bases so that the functions can be remembered, by their basis coefficients without loss of information....
S. J. Dilworth, N. J. Kalton, Denka Kutzarova (2003)
Studia Mathematica
We consider several greedy conditions for bases in Banach spaces that arise naturally in the study of the Thresholding Greedy Algorithm (TGA). In particular, we continue the study of almost greedy bases begun in [3]. We show that almost greedy bases are essentially optimal for n-term approximation when the TGA is modified to include a Chebyshev approximation. We prove that if a Banach space X has a basis and contains a complemented subspace with a symmetric basis and finite cotype then...
Z. Ciesielski (1969)
Studia Mathematica
Aleksandar Krapež, M.A. Taylor (1985)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
M. Arsove, R. Edwards (1960)
Studia Mathematica
J. Holub, J. Retherford (1970)
Studia Mathematica
James R. Holub (1998)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
E. Tutaj has introduced classes of Schauder bases termed "unconditional-like" (UL) and "unconditional-like*" (UL*) whose intersection is the class of unconditional bases. In view of this association with unconditional bases, it is interesting to note that there exist Banach spaces which have no unconditional basis and yet have a basis of one of these two types (e.g., the space 𝓞[0,1]). In the same spirit, we show in this paper that the space of all compact operators on a reflexive Banach...
Pushkin, L. (2002)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
J. Holub (1971)
Studia Mathematica
G. Schechtman (1978-1979)
Séminaire Analyse fonctionnelle (dit "Maurey-Schwartz")
T. Bartoszyński, M. Džamonja, L. Halbeisen, E. Murtinová, A. Plichko (2009)
Studia Mathematica
S. J. Dilworth, David Mitra (2001)
Studia Mathematica
We show that the Lindenstrauss basic sequence in l₁ may be used to construct a conditional quasi-greedy basis of l₁, thus answering a question of Wojtaszczyk. We further show that the sequence of coefficient functionals for this basis is not quasi-greedy.
CSTUG editorial board (2009)
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
CSTUG editorial board (2009)
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
L. Drewnowski (1987)
Colloquium Mathematicae