Displaying similar documents to “Simple correspondence analysis of nominal-ordinal contingency tables.”

Correspondence analysis and two-way clustering.

Antonio Ciampi, Ana González Marcos, Manuel Castejón Limas (2005)



Correspondence analysis followed by clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix is proposed as an approach to two-way clustering. The novelty of this contribution consists of: i) proposing a simple method for the selecting of the number of axes; ii) visualizing the data matrix as is done in micro-array analysis; iii) enhancing this representation by emphasizing those variables and those individuals which are 'well represented' in the subspace of the chosen axes. The approach...

Profile analysis of mothers susceptible to contaminant exposure in the Algarve region: Application of the HJ-BIPLOT method

A. Serafim, R. Company, B. Lopes, N. Silva, E. Castela, M.J. Bebianno, G. Castela (2012)

Biometrical Letters


The HJ-BIPLOT method developed by Galindo (1986) was applied in order to identify and categorize mothers vulnerable to environmental contamination in the Algarve region (South Portugal). The application of the BIPLOT method made it possible to recognize the most important exposure routes for contamination, showing that workplace, diet and smoking habits seem the most significant factors contributing to maternal and foetal exposure vulnerability

A review of canonical coordinates and an alternative to correspondence analysis using Hellinger distance.

C. Radhakrishna Rao (1995)



In this paper a general theory of canonical coordinates is developed for reduction of dimensionality in multivariate data, assessing the loss of information and plotting higher dimensional data in two or three dimensions for visual displays. The theory is applied to data in two way tables with variables in one category and samples (individual or populations) in the other. Two types of data are considered, one with continuous measurements on the variables and another with frequencies...

Building a knowledge base for correspondence analysis.

M.ª Carmen Bravo Llatas (1994)



This paper introduces a statistical strategy for Correspondence Analysis. A formal description of the choices, actions and decisions taken during data analysis is built. Rules and heuristics have been obtained from the application of this technique to real case studies. The strategy proposed checks suitability of certain types of data matrices for this analysis and also considers a guidance and interpretation of the application of this technique. Some algorithmic-like rules...