Determinantal generating functions of colored spanning forests.
Constantine, Gregory M., Buliga, Marius G. (2004)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Constantine, Gregory M., Buliga, Marius G. (2004)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Stephen J. Kirkland (1999)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A tree is classified as being type I provided that there are two or more Perron branches at its characteristic vertex. The question arises as to how one might construct such a tree in which the Perron branches at the characteristic vertex are not isomorphic. Motivated by an example of Grone and Merris, we produce a large class of such trees, and show how to construct others from them. We also investigate some of the properties of a subclass of these trees. Throughout, we exploit connections...
Gary Haggard, Peter McWha (1975)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Bapat, Ravindra B., Lal, Arbind K., Pati, Sukanta (2009)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Vassilev, Tzvetalin, Ammerlaan, Joanna (2013)
Serdica Journal of Computing
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.2.2, F.2.2. Recently, Markov, Vassilev and Manev [2] proposed an algorithm for finding the longest path in 2-trees. In this paper, we describe an implementation of the algorithm. We briefly discuss the algorithm and present example that helps the reader grasp the main algorithmic ideas. Further, we discuss the important stages in the implementation of the algorithm and justify the decisions taken. Then, we present experimental...
Robert Grone, Russell Merris (1987)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal