Charakterization of Finite Dimensionality for Semi-Simple Banach Algebras.
Abdullah H. Al-Moajil (1980/81)
Manuscripta mathematica
Abdullah H. Al-Moajil (1980/81)
Manuscripta mathematica
Rachid ElHarti, Mohamed Mabrouk (2015)
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica
Let A and B be two non-unital reduced Banach *-algebras and φ: A → B be a vector space isomorphism. The two following statement holds: If φ is a *-isomorphism, then φ is isometric (with respect to the C*-norms), bipositive and φ maps some approximate identity of A onto an approximate identity of B. Conversely, any two of the later three properties imply that φ is a *-isomorphism. Finally, we show that a unital and self-adjoint spectral isometry between semi-simple Hermitian Banach algebras...
L. Waelbroeck (1982)
Banach Center Publications
Osamu Hatori, Go Hirasawa, Takeshi Miura (2010)
Open Mathematics
Let A and B be unital, semisimple commutative Banach algebras with the maximal ideal spaces M A and M B, respectively, and let r(a) be the spectral radius of a. We show that if T: A → B is a surjective mapping, not assumed to be linear, satisfying r(T(a) + T(b)) = r(a + b) for all a; b ∈ A, then there exist a homeomorphism φ: M B → M A and a closed and open subset K of M B such that for all a ∈ A, where e is unit element of A. If, in addition, and on M B, then T is an algebra isomorphism. ...
R. Kantrowitz, Michael M. Neumann (1995)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Dumitru D. Draghia (1995)
Extracta Mathematicae
B. Tomiuk (1969)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Pietro Aiena (1994)
Extracta Mathematicae
H. Dales (1982)
Banach Center Publications