Displaying similar documents to “On a class of semi-group algebras”

Vector space isomorphisms of non-unital reduced Banach *-algebras

Rachid ElHarti, Mohamed Mabrouk (2015)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let A and B be two non-unital reduced Banach *-algebras and φ: A → B be a vector space isomorphism. The two following statement holds: If φ is a *-isomorphism, then φ is isometric (with respect to the C*-norms), bipositive and φ maps some approximate identity of A onto an approximate identity of B. Conversely, any two of the later three properties imply that φ is a *-isomorphism. Finally, we show that a unital and self-adjoint spectral isometry between semi-simple Hermitian Banach algebras...

Additively spectral-radius preserving surjections between unital semisimple commutative Banach algebras

Osamu Hatori, Go Hirasawa, Takeshi Miura (2010)

Open Mathematics


Let A and B be unital, semisimple commutative Banach algebras with the maximal ideal spaces M A and M B, respectively, and let r(a) be the spectral radius of a. We show that if T: A → B is a surjective mapping, not assumed to be linear, satisfying r(T(a) + T(b)) = r(a + b) for all a; b ∈ A, then there exist a homeomorphism φ: M B → M A and a closed and open subset K of M B such that T a ^ y = T e ^ y a ^ φ y y K T e ^ y a ^ φ y ¯ y M K for all a ∈ A, where e is unit element of A. If, in addition, T e ^ = 1 and T i e ^ = i on M B, then T is an algebra isomorphism. ...