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Displaying similar documents to “Some results on operator means and shorted operators.”

Exponentials of normal operators and commutativity of operators: a new approach

Mohammed Hichem Mortad (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We present a new approach to the question of when the commutativity of operator exponentials implies that of the operators. This is proved in the setting of bounded normal operators on a complex Hilbert space. The proofs are based on some results on similarities by Berberian and Embry as well as the celebrated Fuglede theorem.

Backward Aluthge iterates of a hyponormal operator and scalar extensions

C. Benhida, E. H. Zerouali (2009)

Studia Mathematica


Let R and S be two operators on a Hilbert space. We discuss the link between the subscalarity of RS and SR. As an application, we show that backward Aluthge iterates of hyponormal operators and p-quasihyponormal operators are subscalar.

The inclusion theorem for multiple summing operators

David Pérez-García (2004)

Studia Mathematica


We prove that, for 1 ≤ p ≤ q < 2, each multiple p-summing multilinear operator between Banach spaces is also q-summing. We also give an improvement of this result for an image space of cotype 2. As a consequence, we obtain a characterization of Hilbert-Schmidt multilinear operators similar to the linear one given by A. Pełczyński in 1967. We also give a multilinear generalization of Grothendieck's Theorem for GT spaces.

Polaroid type operators and compact perturbations

Chun Guang Li, Ting Ting Zhou (2014)

Studia Mathematica


A bounded linear operator T acting on a Hilbert space is said to be polaroid if each isolated point in the spectrum is a pole of the resolvent of T. There are several generalizations of the polaroid property. We investigate compact perturbations of polaroid type operators. We prove that, given an operator T and ε > 0, there exists a compact operator K with ||K|| < ε such that T + K is polaroid. Moreover, we characterize those operators for which a certain polaroid type property...