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On the class of functions strongly starlike of order α with respect to a point

Adam Lecko (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider the class 𝓩(k;w), k ∈ [0,2], w ∈ ℂ, of plane domains Ω called k-starlike with respect to the point w. An analytic characterization of regular and univalent functions f such that f(U) is in 𝓩(k;w), where w ∈ f(U), is presented. In particular, for k = 0 we obtain the well known analytic condition for a function f to be starlike w.r.t. w, i.e. to be regular and univalent in U and have f(U) starlike w.r.t. w ∈ f(U).