Semi-abelian monadic categories.
Gran, Marino, Rosický, Jir̆í (2004)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Gran, Marino, Rosický, Jir̆í (2004)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Everaert, T., Van der Linden, T. (2004)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Rodelo, Diana (2004)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Bourn, Dominique (2004)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Brünjes, Lars, Serpé, Christian (2005)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Francis Borceux, Dominique Bourn, Peter Johnstone (2006)
Archivum Mathematicum
The dual of the category of pointed objects of a topos is semi-abelian, thus is provided with a notion of semi-direct product and a corresponding notion of action. In this paper, we study various conditions for representability of these actions. First, we show this to be equivalent to the existence of initial normal covers in the category of pointed objects of the topos. For Grothendieck toposes, actions are representable provided the topos admits an essential Boolean covering. This...
Hernandez-Paricio, Luis-Javier (1995)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Jiří Adámek, Jiří Rosický (2004)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
In the theory of accessible categories, pure subobjects, i.e. filtered colimits of split monomorphisms, play an important role. Here we investigate pure quotients, i.e., filtered colimits of split epimorphisms. For example, in abelian, finitely accessible categories, these are precisely the cokernels of pure subobjects, and pure subobjects are precisely the kernels of pure quotients.