Displaying similar documents to “The number of permutation binomials over 𝔽 4 p + 1 where p and 4 p + 1 are primes.”

Axial permutations of ω²

Paweł Klinga (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove that every permutation of ω² is a composition of a finite number of axial permutations, where each axial permutation moves only a finite number of elements on each axis.

Parity-alternating permutations and successions

Augustine Munagi (2014)

Open Mathematics


The study of parity-alternating permutations of {1, 2, … n} is extended to permutations containing a prescribed number of parity successions - adjacent pairs of elements of the same parity. Several enumeration formulae are computed for permutations containing a given number of parity successions, in conjunction with further parity and length restrictions. The objects are classified using direct construction and elementary combinatorial techniques. Analogous results are derived for circular...


R. C. Entriger (1971)

Gaceta Matemática
