Graphs with prescribed neighbourhood graphs
Bohdan Zelinka (1985)
Mathematica Slovaca
Bohdan Zelinka (1985)
Mathematica Slovaca
Bohdan Zelinka (1993)
Mathematica Bohemica
The paper studies graphs in which each pair of vertices has exactly two common neighbours. It disproves a conjectury by P. Hliněný concerning these graphs.
Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki (2006)
Formalized Mathematics
We are formalizing [9, pp. 81-84] where chordal graphs are defined and their basic characterization is given. This formalization is a part of the M.Sc. work of the first author under supervision of the second author.
Ľubomír Šoltés (1991)
Mathematica Slovaca
A.P. Santhakumaran, P. Titus (2012)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
For a connected graph G of order p ≥ 2 and a vertex x of G, a set S ⊆ V(G) is an x-monophonic set of G if each vertex v ∈ V(G) lies on an x -y monophonic path for some element y in S. The minimum cardinality of an x-monophonic set of G is defined as the x-monophonic number of G, denoted by mₓ(G). An x-monophonic set of cardinality mₓ(G) is called a mₓ-set of G. We determine bounds for it and characterize graphs which realize these bounds. A connected graph of order p with vertex monophonic...