Semilattices which must contain a copy of 2 N.
J.D. Lawson, M. Mislove (1985)
Semigroup forum
J.D. Lawson, M. Mislove (1985)
Semigroup forum
W. Stepp (1980)
Semigroup forum
V.M. Sirjaev (1979)
Semigroup forum
Pedro V. Silva (2000)
Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
The class of unique factorization semilattices (UFSs) contains important examples of semilattices such as free semilattices and the semilattices of idempotents of free inverse monoids. Their structural properties allow an efficient study, among other things, of their principal ideals. A general construction of UFSs from arbitrary posets is presented and some categorical properties are derived. The problem of embedding arbitrary semilattices into UFSs is considered and complete characterizations...
Jānis Cīrulis (2013)
Mathematica Bohemica
In recent papers, S. N. Begum and A. S. A. Noor have studied join partial semilattices (JP-semilattices) defined as meet semilattices with an additional partial operation (join) satisfying certain axioms. We show why their axiom system is too weak to be a satisfactory basis for the authors' constructions and proofs, and suggest an additional axiom for these algebras. We also briefly compare axioms of JP-semilattices with those of nearlattices, another kind of meet semilattices with a...
Murty, P.V.Ramana, Murty, M.Krishna (1982)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Thomas Bowman (1975)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
W. Crawley (1976/77)
Semigroup forum