On partially ordered groups of locally finite length
Božena Černáková (1986)
Mathematica Slovaca
Božena Černáková (1986)
Mathematica Slovaca
J. Jakubík (1970)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Ján Jakubík, Gabriela Pringerová (1994)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Ján Jakubík (2001)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The notion of the half linearly ordered group (and, more generally, of the half lattice ordered group) was introduced by Giraudet and Lucas [2]. In the present paper we define the lexicographic product of half linearly ordered groups. This definition includes as a particular case the lexicographic product of linearly ordered groups. We investigate the problem of the existence of isomorphic refinements of two lexicographic product decompositions of a half linearly ordered group. The analogous...