Displaying similar documents to “Lie algebras and coverings.”

Family algebras.

Kirillov, A.A. (2000)

Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society [electronic only]


The construction of 3-Lie 2-algebras

Chunyue Wang, Qingcheng Zhang (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We construct a 3-Lie 2-algebra from a 3-Leibniz algebra and a Rota-Baxter 3-Lie algebra. Moreover, we give some examples of 3-Leibniz algebras.

Ringel-Hall algebras of hereditary pure semisimple coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We define and investigate Ringel-Hall algebras of coalgebras (usually infinite-dimensional). We extend Ringel's results [Banach Center Publ. 26 (1990) and Adv. Math. 84 (1990)] from finite-dimensional algebras to infinite-dimensional coalgebras.

On maximal subalgebras of central simple Malcev algebras.

Alberto C. Elduque Palomo (1986)

Extracta Mathematicae


In this paper the structure of the maximal elements of the lattice of subalgebras of central simple non-Lie Malcev algebras is considered. Such maximal subalgebras are studied in two ways: first by using theoretical results concerning Malcev algebras, and second by using the close connection between these simple non-Lie Malcev algebras and the Cayley-Dickson algebras, which have been extensively studied (see [4]).

On domestic algebras of semiregular type

Alicja Jaworska-Pastuszak, Andrzej Skowroński (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We describe the structure of finite-dimensional algebras of domestic representation type over an algebraically closed field whose Auslander-Reiten quiver consists of generalized standard and semiregular components. Moreover, we prove that this class of algebras contains all special biserial algebras whose Auslander-Reiten quiver consists of semiregular components.

Universal Enveloping Algebras of Nonassociative Structures

Tvalavadze, Marina (2012)

Serdica Mathematical Journal


2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 17D15. Secondary 17D05, 17B35, 17A99. This is a survey paper to summarize the latest results on the universal enveloping algebras of Malcev algebras, triple systems and Leibniz n-ary algebras.