The Abel-Jacobi mapping for the quartic threefold.
M. Letizia (1984)
Inventiones mathematicae
M. Letizia (1984)
Inventiones mathematicae
Green, Mark L. (1998)
Documenta Mathematica
J.J. Modi, J.D. Pryce (1985)
Numerische Mathematik
Benoît Perthame, Stephane Génieys (2010)
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
The nonlocal Fisher equation has been proposed as a simple model exhibiting Turing instability and the interpretation refers to adaptive evolution. By analogy with other formalisms used in adaptive dynamics, it is expected that concentration phenomena (like convergence to a sum of Dirac masses) will happen in the limit of small mutations. In the present work we study this asymptotics by using a change of variables that leads to a constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We prove the convergence...