Displaying similar documents to “On the Dirichlet problem for minimal graphs in hyperbolic space.”

Requiring that Minimal Separators Induce Complete Multipartite Subgraphs

Terry A. McKee (2018)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Complete multipartite graphs range from complete graphs (with every partite set a singleton) to edgeless graphs (with a unique partite set). Requiring minimal separators to all induce one or the other of these extremes characterizes, respectively, the classical chordal graphs and the emergent unichord-free graphs. New theorems characterize several subclasses of the graphs whose minimal separators induce complete multipartite subgraphs, in particular the graphs that are 2-clique sums...

A New Characterization of Unichord-Free Graphs

Terry A. McKee (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Unichord-free graphs are defined as having no cycle with a unique chord. They have appeared in several papers recently and are also characterized by minimal separators always inducing edgeless subgraphs (in contrast to characterizing chordal graphs by minimal separators always inducing complete subgraphs). A new characterization of unichord-free graphs corresponds to a suitable reformulation of the standard simplicial vertex characterization of chordal graphs.