Displaying similar documents to “An agglomerative method for automatic forming of hierarchical classification”

Non-transitive points and porosity

T. K. Subrahmonian Moothathu (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We establish that for a fairly general class of topologically transitive dynamical systems, the set of non-transitive points is very small when the rate of transitivity is very high. The notion of smallness that we consider here is that of σ-porosity, and in particular we show that the set of non-transitive points is σ-porous for any subshift that is a factor of a transitive subshift of finite type, and for the tent map of [0,1]. The result extends to some finite-to-one factor systems....

The structure of transitive ordered permutation groups

Zhu, Zuo-Tong, Huang Zhenyu (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We give some necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be 2 -transitive. We also discuss primitive components and give necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be normal-valued.